I realized that I hadn't written a blog post in a couple of weeks. When I looked at the photos that I had taken in that period I recognized that it was because I had been busy and my photos were pretty boring. Not much to do in lockdown but walk, garden and bird watch. So that will pretty well sum up this post.
I used deliverying a book to Heather as an excuse to drive up to Paris with Rick. We had a lovely deck visit with Heather and Don and Kathy and Bruce and it felt almost normal |
Well worn, well used paths |
but still very pleasant. |
Then through Lions Park, with way more equipment than when Chris and Mike used to play here. Back through downtown Paris |
Past the Penman's Factory, now apartments, and back to the car. |
My vegetable bed has been built, with ridiculously expensive lumber. Lettuces, Kale and Peas all planted. Last week I also planted Tomatoes, Green Peppers and Green Beans. |
The Costco bulbs that I planted last fall were predominately double blooms |
and the cool weather extended the show for weeks. |
The apple tree, planted last year |
is in bloom. I am excited to see if I actually get apples this year. |
I am told that it is a bad year for ticks and I managed to pick one up after a day of gardening. Therefore; Antibiotics and bloodwork. |
Brown Headed Cowbird. |
White Crowned Sparrow |
Chipping Sparrow |
House Wren |
In residence. |
Carolina Wren, nesting in a tree in the back yard. |
Baltimore Oriole, eating locally |
and tropically. |
Young female Baltimore Oriole |
I think. Maybe one of my birding readers can confirm that. |
Rose Breasted Grosbeak. |
Goldfinch, eating Dandelion seeds in the Forget-me-nots next door. |
I found him one morning, must have banged into the laundry room window overnight. Maybe an Ovenbird. |
A less than welcome visitor. He opens the compost bin but at least he doesn't spread its contents around. |
Nicola and I spent some time sitting on the front porch watching the comings and goings of my little bird community and sparrow parents feeding their two fledglings on the fence. |
Chris, Jason and Cigi visited so we could do some more work on the cafe finances. |
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Cigi looks like she might be a redhead. Needs lots of sun protection. Photo by Chris. |
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Maya up a tree. Photo sent by Mike, I don't know who took it. |