Tuesday 21 May 2013

Long Point - the people return

Its been a cold and/or wet May so the Point has stayed pretty quiet. People have been gradually returning to their cottages and homes but it really has been so slow that it was hardly noticeable. On the weekends there were slightly more people walking, there were slightly more cars on the road, slightly more people checking their mail boxes. Of course the businesses were getting cleaned up and the County Works Dept and the Provincial Park workers were also doing some final maintenance work.
Because of this slow start to the season, Victoria Day weekend was a real shock to the system. There were suddenly, lots of people here. All three days the parking lot at Abigail Becker was full.
Which of course meant there was plenty of pedestrian traffic on the walkway to the beach and lots of people on the beach too.

The water is still very cold. Leg numbing cold, in fact. Though some brave souls did go swimming, it was more like - rush in , dip, scream, rush out.
George and I went for a bike ride on Sunday and the amount of traffic on the roads, made us realize how lucky we are to be able to ride here when there are very few people in residence. There was the usual traffic of people visiting cottages (most cottages had 6 to 8 cars in the driveway) but also people just "cruising" and lots of motorcyclists just out for a ride.
Even "the shovel tree" looked rather crowded.

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