Monday 7 October 2019

J.J. Ruggers 50th Anniversary Event

Yes, we had cake!!!
For the last year a group of J.J.s have been meeting to plan a "hook-in" open to our members and other hookers, a display open to the public and a celebration of our branch's 50th Anniversary.
After many meetings and e-mails it all finally came to fruition last Saturday. Most of the J.J. membership turned out on Friday night to help set up the display, set up the tables for the various activities and organize the kitchen. 6 of us set up the display, starting at 6pm and finishing at about 9:45pm. A long, tiring evening but ultimately we were happy with the results.

J.J. Ruggers was started in 1969 by a Paris rug hooking teacher, Joyce Johnson. The branch was one of the 12 original branches that formed the Ontario Hooking Craft Guild.
Cheryl and I were in charge of the display and we set it up chronologically, the oldest rugs to the left. We were lucky enough to get rugs from the families of deceased J.J.s members and from members that no longer attend the meetings, to complete the display of 1970's and 1980's rugs.

The older rugs had subtler, more muted colours, not just because they had faded with time but also because that was the style at the time. Most pieces were shaded, floral or oriental and many were sculpted.

Into the 1990s there were still many florals, crewel and oriental but also pictorial and primitive.

We had far more of the recent rugs and had to cram them onto the rented and borrowed display grids. Colours and subject matter were more varied. At the far right of the display were the rugs that were created this year to commemorate the history of the branch and the area. In total there were about 120 examples of the rug hooking created over the last 50 years.
People attending the hook-in admired the display as did members of the public who could attend in the afternoon. The public could also try their hand at rug hooking on a Chedicamp frame set up near the display.

There was ample opportunity to shop

with 6 vendors in attendance
selling patterns, backing, wool, yarn, frames, wooden items and even a scissor sharpener.
There was a draw for beautiful gift baskets, another draw for a donated photograph of Paris, a garage sale and the opportunity to take home the pumpkin table centres.

We snacked all day on cookies, squares and fruit and then after speeches and presentations by the Mayor (on behalf of the County of Brant) and the past president of the OHCG, we cut and indulged in cake!

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