Wednesday 18 May 2022

Spring chores


After waxing and polishing the Adult Sailing School boat, Genesis 2, Rick and I then did the same to Spellbound.

and put her name on the other side. Friends helped lift the outboard motor up on to her and then Rick painted the bottom with anti-fouling paint. She went in the water today.

"Meanwhile, back at the ranch" LMP has started work on the "seawall".

They accessed the bank through the property next door (Dan's) and then built around down and across my property

and started working on the property on the other side of me (Fil and Sheila's).

All the stone gets dumped in my driveway

and then taken down the bank to be placed in the trench dug behind the seawall. It's a heck of a mess and beeping machines all day. They will finish Fil and Sheila's and then move on to mine. Not sure about Dan's yet.

Chris invited me to Toronto to help with this project. The plan was to take off the wrought iron, sand, primer and paint it, repair and resurface the cement and then replace the wrought iron.

It was in pretty bad shape but she had "watched a YouTube video"!

She had borrowed the tools from the Tool Library and purchased the recommended supplies.

But all did not go according to plan. When Chris took one section of the railing off it was so rusted that it fell apart. Same with the stair railings. They were irreparable so taken to the side of the road where they were scavenged in no time.

The other section was still solidly attached so we left it in place and I scraped, sanded and primed it.

Next day

painted it black. Those little twiddly bits were not fun.

It needs another coat but there was rain in the forecast.

I also got to Cigi sit for an afternoon

and took the opportunity

for a photo shoot.

Humans aren't the only ones with spring chores. This mess on my deck

was caused by a Robin building a nest under the balcony.

It is driving poor Rasta crazy.

Now for some random photos from the last couple of weeks

My Edmonton family at a playoff game. Photo by Aimee.

Sunset from The Edge.

Difficult to get pictures of Cedar Waxwings in the apple tree

until one cooperatively moved onto a closer branch.

My certificates arrived from the Ontario Hooking Craft Guild - Honourable Mention in Multi Cut (for Cigi's Schooner and Seagull rug) and in Alternative Fibres and Techniques (for the Puffy Pansies)

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