Thursday 4 June 2020

Hopefully the last "for sale" post.

I have had lots of feedback from the many people who have happy memories associated with my "cottage". Christine's friends, of course, because of numerous long weekend get-together s here. My hooking friends, as we tried to get together and hook at the cottage a couple of times a year. Family because it has often been the place for Christmas, birthdays etc and extended friends due to George's love of the big Canada Day parties. All have said they will miss it but understand my need to move on and have wished me luck and a speedy sale. Fingers crossed.

This afternoon the photographer for the MLS listing was coming so I worked on the craft room. I have the habit of finishing a project, dumping the bag of remains in here and moving on to the next one.

It was a disaster, but now you can see the walls and I even uncovered the bed.
The stash is all in labelled boxes and tubs, in the closet under the stairs.
Dave helped Nicola and I move the the pool table in the basement
and we moved the office down here.
The furnace room is pretty clear too.

My new battery powered leaf blower
makes clearing the driveway of debris
much easier than sweeping it.
Unfortunately the sun wasn't out when the photographer was here.
Last fall I got rid off all of the old geraniums and replanted this spring. The old ones were just red or white. There are some beautiful colour combinations available now.

On this evenings walk, a young Robin,
and a hungry Chipmunk.
The next post will be Bruce Trail photos as the hike resumes tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Leaf blower REALLY worked. Wish you had done some before and after side-by-side shots! (Of the driveway and rooms.) The place looks great (for selling, not for living, it looks very staged, which is good.)
