Monday 27 December 2021

Haven't felt like blogging.

 I haven't felt like blogging lately. I think so far there has only been one post in December. After all it started as a travel diary and since I cancelled my planned winter in Cyprus, again, I can't seem to build much enthusiasm for it. Last winter I tried to stay committed to it and treated the winter as a staycation, walking and exploring areas that I hadn't before, and posting about them. Like everyone, I am just tired of the restrictions, lockdowns, masks, nervousness around people and places with people. I know that I am lucky to enjoy my house and community and not be affected by job loss, or money troubles, or home schooling while working etc. I am grateful for that. Then I cancelled Christmas (there had been plans) at my place and expected to be even more discouraged by that. But I was surprised, it was actually fun, receiving the photos and calls and having a porch visit and Christmas has reinvigorated me. 

So this post is a catch up on December and Christmas.

Photo sent by Christine of Cigi seeing her first snow.

Another crazy, windy day and Rick had to go out to take photos. Nearly blew him away.

The wind was picking the top of the waves off and blowing spray horizontally

creating a "whiteout" effect and

obscuring the multiple Lakers sheltering in the Bay.

Rick and I ventured out to check on Spellbound and take pictures of the waves crashing

on the lighthouses.

The next day was beautiful so we drove to Long Point but couldn't get far because of the flooding across the roads. Back to Turkey Point and we happened upon

their Santa Claus Parade. Rick's favourite - the Grinch.

A short parade but fun with all the essentials - firetrucks, kids in costumes, thrown candy canes and, of course, Santa. We couldn't drive far on Turkey Point either as the roads were flooded there too.

The beginning Rug Hooking class, held at the Woodhouse Gallery, was 4 evenings (2 Mondays and 2 Thursdays) over the course of 2 weeks, so there wasn't much time for hooking in between but the students were all close to completing their 9X9 mats. This is Sandy's, Winter Tree.

Charlotte's barn

and Janet's sunflower. It was her idea to use a swatch for the background as I would never suggest fingering to a beginner but it is going to be stunning.

I completed this sample so I could demonstrate finishing for them.

I also had a day of marathon sewing to complete Cigi's stocking and get it to Chris and Jason in time for Christmas.

Rick and I were exposed to Covid at a Christmas Open House with his family so even if I hadn't already cancelled Christmas at my place I was going to be in isolation any way. But Christmas morning the pictures and greetings rolled in from all the family members including

Chris, Jason and Cigi .....

and Mike, Iggy, Avery, Maya, River and Aimee.

Nic and Dave did a Christmas Day road trip and had a carport visit with Si, Dan, Fiona and Lou and then a porch visit (with lunch and presents) with me.

Rasta had an enjoyable Christmas with bags to jump in,

a mandarin orange to roll (it ended up under the couch) and

a new bed/cushion protector for his favorite chair.

Boxing Day there was a hawk hovering over the bank and

kayakers out on the lake (man that would be cold)

Happy New Year to all who read this.

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