Thursday 17 August 2023

Grandkids - week 3

 After having them for a week, I drove Avery and Maya to Toronto for 5 days with their cousins. There they did city things and played together.

I picked them up again for the flight back to Edmonton. We had supper at the airport where the server and another customer, both commented on how well behaved they were.

Maya stayed awake for the whole flight, watching the I-pad and scrounging cookies. Avery fell asleep on her.

For one day Chris, Jason and Cigi were also in Edmonton. They all went to the Science Centre (I begged off) and then we all went out for Sushi.

We made marmalade (from the can of Seville Oranges I gave Mike for Christmas)

We went for some walks in their neighbourhood, a bike ride to the library, a community fun fair (I rode the electric scooter home) and on one of Mike's days off, we went to the river valley.

Mike caught a Grasshopper and Maya held it

Avery didn't like the feel of it so he passed but Maya became an expert catcher.

It was very hot so they waded in the river

while River and I looked on.

The walk through the woods was very buggy

but there were lots of things to see.

Osprey hunting over the river.

Out of the stroller, River ran up and down the footbridge

with Mike in hot pursuit.

With River confined to the stroller again

they cooled off once more.

So hot that ice cream melted before you could eat it.

Back in Port Dover, Rick got up to check out the meteor shower but just got photos of the marina

and the lights of Erie silhouetting Long Point.

The next day he and Gord came first in their fleet, in the Chaos Race.

Still hot in Edmonton so we went to Wabamun Lake where Mike took the kids on a long paddleboard ride

and they played in the lake.

Mikes pride and joy, lemon trees, started from seed, during Covid,

and his tomato ghetto. He has already been harvesting, some in the freezer, BLTs and a large batch of tomato soup. Mine are all still green at this point. He has plans for spaghetti sauce and ketchup.

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