Sunday 22 September 2024

Back from West Virginia

 I have been back now for a couple of days but still need to post about the last day at the McGown Teacher Training. I did not attend last year but that did not get me out of teaching this year. I received a pattern in the mail, and later the instructions (the brief) but I had started it already so didn't exactly follow them. So on Thursday I taught a class

on this piece.

I had decided to treat the scroll as if it was an architectural element, like a stone on top of a pillar or moulding on a ceiling, and therefor used a piece of mottled grey wool outlined in a darker grey. I shaded the flowers but needed something to teach a group of teachers (many of whom teach regularly and have done so far longer and more frequently than I have), so I beaded the vein of the scroll and the outline of the pattern and attached it to a metal ring. This gave me two teachable elements.

I had purchased some dip dyes and some spot dyes at the OHCG Annual but most of what I bought down for the class was from my own stash (I need to whittle it down). This photo is what was left after the class had taken what they needed.

I was told to plan for 8 or more students, planned for 12 and had 5, which was a lovely size for a relaxed class.

We talked about scrolls and the many different ways to hook them,

about the different ways to teach fine shading of flowers,

and of course how to add beads to a rug hooked piece and how to attach it to a metal ring.

"Throw down" at the end of the day (one person had left earlier). Everyone goes at their own student spent most of the day working on different colour plans, another on finishing the flowers, a few enjoyed the beading practice but one struggled with it and said she probably wouldn't bead. Different strokes.

 That evening we paid our bills, received our copies of the book that has the report on all the classes conducted during the week and got our assignments for next year (both Jennifer and I are teaching next year, sometimes you get a year off, not this time!). Up early on Friday and drove home and I spent Saturday in recovery mode and enjoying the break from people.

Over to Long Point to help a friend with an overgrown garden resulted in me returning with a car full of plants. The Russian Sage, Lavender and Lemon Verbena made the car smell wonderful.

From where I stopped on the Causeway I saw 18 Great Egrets and

7 Great Blue Herons.

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