Sunday 29 September 2024

Fall and a quick trip to Toronto

 Rick texted me on the day it was officially fall but it really didn't feel like it yet. However within the week

I was drying clothes inside rather than out on the line and

had planted Kale and Lettuce in the Aerogarden, for the fall growing season.

Germinated within 3 days.

Hooking with fall colours and a feline supervisor.

Coming in off the racecourse and the sun is already set. (Photo by Dave with Rick's phone) Just one more race to go and the season is over!

Chris and Jason both had work obligations on the weekend so I was in Toronto for some Cigi sitting.

Before I even got a "Hi Nana", we were reading a book

and I was cuddling a cat (Donny)

Chris had the Friday off so we kept Cigi out of daycare and went to a park

to feed the Chickadees. We used to take Chris and Mike, as kids, to "the Chickadee Place" between Paris and Cambridge and Chris was happy to have found the same opportunity for Cigi.

It was a small loop with

lots of eager Chickadees.

Cigi didn't like the feel of their little claws on her hands but was happy to watch Chris and I feed.

Although initially nervous about the Chipmunks coming up to her, her desire to "be friends" won out and they came right up to her feet, looking for a hand out.

 Ducks, a Swan, a Black Squirrel, Blue Jays and a Great Blue Heron rounded out the wildlife sightings. We then drove to the "new house" to pick up the mail and talk about the plans...underpinning well underway, walls will be demolished, moved, 3 bathrooms instead of 1, open concept living/kitchen/dining..exciting.

At bed time I realized this blanket is over 40 years old. Mark was posted to Germany when Christine was born. He sent this Smurf blanket as a gift (may have bought it at the Canex on base). It is a little faded but has made the rounds of the family for the last 40 years.

Chris left early for her workshop and Jason came in on the "red eye" from Seattle in time to take Cigi to Sportball and then play in the park. 

After nap we went down to the Humber River to see if the Salmon were still running.
We didn't see any jumping up the dam but there were still rocks to be climbed on and a soft ice cream.


As well as Ducks, Gulls, Cormorants and an Egret.

Then Jason joined Chris downtown.  Cigi and I had a good evening and night and I took her to swimming on Sunday morning. Jason caught up with us there.

Final photo....crawling up my screen

I couldn't figure out why he had so many legs....but he only had 8 and a set of pincers! Glad he was outside. Another sign of fall, the increased numbers of spiders in the house.

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