Monday 29 July 2019

Grandchildren at the Cottage (Week 2)

Aimee, Mike and the kids returned to the cottage in time for another family dinner, this time with Mum and Dad, Nicky and Dave, Kevin and Broghan and Christine and Jason.
Nicola and Dave introduced the kids to the tradition of "cottage carrots" (cheesies). Maya with a "cottage carrot" smile
and "cottage carrot" earrings.
The rest headed out that evening but Mum and Dad stayed a few days resulting in some quality reading time.
Water guns were a big hit.
There was a lot of running and squealing
and reloading in the lake. Both the kids were getting braver in the water and walking out to the sandbar without any flotation assists. Maya was trying to learn how to keep her mouth closed (and her nose and her ears) in the waves.
It wasn't always high activity, there was time for reading and naps,
Nintendo and movies,

and, of course, time for ice cream

and jello.
I got another couple of days respite while they went to the zoo with Kay, Jazzy and Kiara. Picture by Aimee.
Lollipops (photo by Aimee)
and a splash park. Photo by Aimee.
They had their last 2 days at the cottage basically spent entirely on the beach, playing with other kids, riding on the paddleboard, digging in the sand, collecting rocks and splashing around in the water.

The new paddleboard came in a large box that Rasta claimed as his own
He didn't like to share
choosing, instead, to vacate.
It was great having them based at my place and Mike commented on how nice it was to see nearly the whole family, just missing Emma and Carla.

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