Tuesday 28 July 2020

"Putting up" food

One sense of this idiom is with regard to foodstuffs. If one "cans" (in jars) or otherwise preserves foodstuffs (as from their garden) then they are said to have been "put up", as in "We put up ten quarts of green beans this week."

Figuratively referring to the placing of the jars "up" on a shelf in the "cellar", where all the winter food was stored. (Though note that the same idiom would be now be used to refer to placing food in a freezer for long-term storage.) From the online Cambridge Dictionary.

I picked at Lakeview Blues, on Radical Road

watched by hydro lines of birds waiting to swoop in and feast. The air guns don't seem to deter them at all.

I have always preferred getting my produce from the farm where it is grown or at roadside stands. I am even more likely to do this now that grocery shopping is no fun at all. This stand is on Front Road, where the road dips down to see the Turkey Point marsh. I bought my first corn of the season and a delicious Cantaloupe.

I froze all of these, even the Cantaloupe, preparing for a winter in Canada.

Corn always reminds me of cottaging at Ipperwash. Because we always went for the last week in July and the first week in August, we were there for the first corn of the season. As soon as the kids were old enough it was their job to sit outside (on the steps or the deck) and shuck it. Like strawberries its a "taste of summer".

Another reminder of Ipperwash, kids feeding gulls, on my Long Point walk with Brit this week (we are trying to do it every Monday).

George's mum used to save bits of bread and crusts in a bag that she would bring to the cottage so that the kids could feed the gulls. Another cottage tradition, I don't think we did it anywhere else.

Whereas last week had been hot and still, this week it was hot and windy. Kiters were out in full force, speeding and jumping and crashing and falling.
Playing with reflections in the wet sand

and with the photo editing
on the computer.

Not abstract art but fungus on wet driftwood.

The best breakfast - coffee and cinnamon bun (courtesy of Brit).

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