Tuesday 28 July 2020

"What happens on the boat ......."

I have heard "What happens on the boat stays on the boat"said many times. Not just on sailboats that I have been on but George used to say the same, often when fielding questions from me about the Interclub race. Today Mark said "don't tell anyone about this" and I replied "Really, you can't expect me to keep this secret, its going on the blog".

For the second Tuesday, Mark, Angie and I met at the boat for an afternoon of sailing. Last week it was dead calm and, although we went out and put up the sails, there was no "sailing", as such. This week there was too much wind for a comfortable sail so we decided just to put some extra shade over the cockpit and have our snacks and wine there. We pulled out the cushions and chairs, put up the shade, took off the wheel for more room, prepared the cheese, tomatoes, sausage rolls, and cookies and poured the wine. We chatted and watched the goings on of the marina. After about an hour and a half Mark proposed taking a cruise down the river. There was a flurry of activity as we put away the food, took down the shade, started the motor, undid the lines and pushed Caleidoscope of the dock. Then - PANIC- there was no wheel! She continued to gently back out of the slip and towards the boats on the next slip over as Mark dived below looking for the wheel (which of course wasn't where he would have put it). Angie and I stood on deck ready to fend off anything that we were about to hit while Mark scrambled to re-attach the wheel. After that the river cruise was a bit tame!

Fishing tug following us in to Port Dover harbour

Past the new condos being built at the wharf side.

Under the lift bridge.

Past the tugs, old


and new.

past the Yacht Club.

We motored up the river pointing out the high water levels, marshy lawns, docks awash, geese and ducks, kayaks, power boats, sail boats, cigar boats, monster homes and little cottages. Turned around and docked at the Yacht Club to wait for the lift bridge to go up on the half hour.

Past Orgasm on the way back. She was the first boat I did the Interclub race on. "What happens on the boat...."

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