Tuesday 2 March 2021

Playing with the new camera

 I drove out to Port Rowan to see if I could get some better pictures of the Sandhill Cranes with the new camera. It was a lovely day, blue sky and crisp. I took pictures of the marshes, Cranes and Swans, flying and in the fields. I was excited to look at them on the computer. Turns out that I must have changed a setting when I was looking through the menus the night before - they all shot in video! Learning curve!

Decal on the window (to stop the birds banging into it), at sunset.

Full moon through the trees. I had tried this shot with my other camera before, this one is much better.

Wren at the feeder. Such a loud song from such a small bird. I have put a Wren sized birdhouse out, hoping he will nest here.

Mr and Mrs Downy Woodpecker. They are rarely at the feeder together and appear to be living in a hollow branch of one of my trees.

These photos are taken through my front window

Clear enough to see her "whiskers".

Mum and Dad visited for a couple of days, so glad to get out of their apartment and get a different view. We drove to see the Cranes and Swans.

Dad said he had never seen that many in one area before.

I had not yet realized that my other crane pictures hadn't turned out so just took one.

The camera has a setting called "Sparkly water", not sure I will ever use it.

Mum (with a Gin and Tonic)

and I, sat on "the edge" for Happy Hour.

Watching the Golden eye ducks. The are still lots of Golden eye, Canvas Back, Mergansers and Red Heads around.

Mum and Dad left and Nicola came for a few days. It's so nice being out of "lockdown" even though there is still a lot of cleaning and sanitizing to do between visitors. Chris had asked us to do some sewing for CG's nursery. Curtains, bench cushions and slip covers for the rocker/glider didn't sound like much but turned out to be quite an onerous task.

Rasta being his usual helpful self. We spent the first afternoon at Lens Mills and had a video consult from there, with Chris, to double check that she was OK with the fabric choices.

He's not so good at Hide and Seek.

On the chair back - the quilt Nicola made. On the seat of the chair - a pair of curtains with little navy sailboats on them. Slip covers in blue with sailboats, canoes and fish pattern for back, seat and foot stool. Beside the chair - two cushions covered in grey for the window seat. That took all of one day (into the evening) and the morning of the next. I was the "sous chef", measuring, ironing, pinning and Nic did all the sewing.

All for this little girl.

Chris says that it is a "design flaw" that babies don't smile for the first 6 weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Cigi, Jason, and I are very thankful. Everything turned out so beautifully. She has a lovely room.
