Wednesday 21 April 2021

Looking for some different walks - Rock Point Conservation Area

 A while back, Rick and I, drove down to Long Beach and on the way back saw a lighthouse, out in the water that Rick swore had to be a mirage. We went back to see if spring weather had dissipated the mirage. When we researched the Mohawk Island Lighthouse we had noted that there was a conservation area near it, so that's where we headed.

First to Port Maitland to see the pier

when it wasn't encrusted with ice.

We parked at an entrance to Rock Park Conservation Area and walked in, noting the pleasant, well spaced and private campsites, to this lookout.

But there were too many trees and we couldn't see the lighthouse. Did see a sandy path down to a sandy beach though.

We continued along a path to a shell and rock beach

and we could see it from there,

just as impressive as the "mirage" we saw before but this time covered in gulls and Cormorants.

The lighthouse was interesting but what lay beneath our feet was fascinating!

The rock (Limestone, we later looked it up) was full of fossils.


More research: Fossils from the Devonian period, over 340 million years ago, when the rocks were at the bottom of an ancient sea.

It was mesmerizing, standing on top of ancient creatures and plants. And later researching the period.

The next day was another pleasant but less interesting walk, on the Lynn Valley Trail. Hoping to see the Wood Ducks that were there last year. No luck but lots of flowers and

A goose on eggs

with a partner close by.

Marsh Marigolds

Ending with birds and baby:

Cigi after a bath


Cedar Waxwings. They were eating Forsythia petals

and one was feeding the other.

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