Friday 30 July 2021

July Photos

 It's the end of the month and I realized that I have some pictures that I haven't posted. As this is my diary I like to include most events.

Rick and I took Spellbound out for a spin

Sail number 21 means that it was the 21st boat of that kind, Mirage25, to be built (in the early 1980s)

Its not easy to see my place from the water.

The fishing tug seemed to be heading straight for us

but he turned and we followed him in.

This Eagle flew back and forth a few times, while I was sitting in the sunroom, seeming to be begging me to take his photo.

So I rushed outside, got this shot, and then he flew away.

Another poser

on his own private sun deck.

When he realized it wasn't as private as he thought....."who are you looking at!"

A golden full moon

The lettuce has been pulled out (I ate a lot and then it went to seed) as has the Kale (it was being eaten by something other than me.) Peas and beans are now prolific (The peas don't even make it inside but I have eaten the beans for dinners and frozen some too.)

Rick and I had breakfast at Hoover's Marina in Nanticoke. Partly to eat an excellent omelette and partly to research the depth of the entrance. Unfortunately it sounds as if it is about 6inches too shallow to sail Spellbound in.

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