Tuesday 9 April 2024

Home: dogs, ducks and sails.

Nicola picked me up at the airport, drove me home and stayed over. Nice to catch up but I was pretty jet lagged and "out of it".

The next day "The Dogs" arrived. Daniele is currently working in the Bahamas so I have Sammy and Ruby when Fiona is in Guelph for her final week of classes and then when she has exams too.

Ruby and Rasta pretty well ignore each other but Sammy and Rasta fight like siblings

Sam tries to chew various parts of Rasta's body and Rasta retaliates with hisses and boxes Sam's face with his closed paw (no claws, its just play fighting)

"Who us?" If Rasta meows I know he has had enough, and I call Sammy off. Invariably, Rasta walks close past him within a few minutes, teasing.

Look at that face. Hard to believe that he can be such a pill. I exercise them by taking them to the dog park and throwing the ball for them to chase. I can't manage them both walking on a leash so the dog park is a great help.

Duck watching is my other spring occupation.

Common Merganser (Male)

Common Merganser (Female)

and together.

These were further out on the bay so not as clear a picture but I think they are Red Headed Ducks.

Rick is going to be racing Spellbound this year so has to get a PRHF (handicap) rating. The first step in that process

is to get the sails and boat measured.

This was done at the yacht club where there was room to lay them out.

It was the first time I had seen the spinnaker. He had told me it was quite small.

Didn't look small to me!

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