Monday 13 May 2024

Annual spring Edmonton visit

 Aimee, Mike, Avery, Maya and River moved last year from Edmonton to St. Albert (very close) and had just moved in when I visited last December (there was much painting!). This is my first spring visit to this new house and new community and Mike is anxious to show me around.

The community is entirely linked with bike paths. They join the various neighbourhoods and parkland. I used Aimee's bike for the ride to the library downtown.

Past a reminder of the areas economic heritage

and over the river to downtown.

Mushy bananas necessitate banana/cocoa/chocolate chip muffins. A Nana tradition.

Lovely spring weather means a start to vegetable gardening. Salad greens up on the deck. Mike has ordered a raised bed for the rest. He has already planted 4 fruit trees and 4 raspberry plants.

River hanging out on the deck

and providing a badminton obstacle.

After dinner trips to the park involve River on the swing (she loves to "fly"), sand angels, burying feet in the sand, mad games of chase and

three on the slide.

After a fascinating night of Northern Lights, the air quality dropped, due to smoke from forest fires and we had to stay inside for a couple of days.

The wind changed direction, the air cleared and Mike and I biked to a nearby lake.

Ducks, swallows

and the first Muskrat of the season.

Guest photographers:

Cigi sporting her cat jacket (a gift from Rasta in thanks for her gentle pets this winter) Photo by Chris or Jason.

Andromeda Galaxy. Photo by Rick.

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