Thursday 2 May 2024

Spring garden and launch

 I want to try and keep the fitness level I achieved in Crete, walking up those stairs, so I want to walk up and down the bank to the lake more often.

To that end....2 new chairs for the bottom deck.

Rick put them together for me and now there is no reason not to have breakfast on the lakeside deck.

Veggies and flowers are peaking out of the soil in the "nursery bed"

and the cold frame. At the front, some chard that wintered over and I am already using in my smoothies.

At the front of the house

I am happy with my

spring garden.

Though the grass is growing like crazy and I have cut it twice already.

While sitting on the front porch I noticed this sparrow with a pronounced white ruff. He seemed a bit different from the other ones. I always have a huge flock nesting in the cedar hedge and partaking of the bird feeders.

Heather and Don gave me the Peterson a long time ago and the Sibley used to be Dads. It is what I have seen the staff at the banding station use. Sibley noted that a Eurasian Tree Sparrow has a white ruff but also has a smaller black bib that the House Sparrow and a dark patch on the cheek. I guess he is just a common or garden House Sparrow

I also have Goldfinches and these. I never know if they are Purple Finches or House Finches. Back to the Sibley. This is a House Finch as it has the brown stripes on its sides and belly. I do also have Purple Finches that don't have the striping.

At this point I have Blue Jays, Cardinals, Chickadees, White Capped Sparrows, Grackles, Red Winged Blackbirds, Cowbirds, Robins, Mourning Doves and this lousy picture is of the first Grosbeak (on April 28). The first Hummingbird, a little female, came to the feeder today, May 2.

Sparrows have claimed 2 of the bird houses but these Tree Swallows are checking out this one.

I have repeatedly pulled nesting material off my porch light. It is just too close to my front door which would not be conducive to raising a family (for me or the bird). But Dan, next door doesn't use his front door and a Robin has taken up residence.

The Chipmunk is living under the generator again this year and there is constant Squirrel drama around the feeders (Grey, Black and Red Squirrels)

Wednesday was launch day for Spellbound. The lift picked her up of the cradle,

carried her to the water

and dropped her in.

With the help of a crane the mast was raised and she was headed for her slip for the summer. Rick is planning to race her this year so there are some rigging adjustments and some additional hardware to be installed. He will have lots of chores to do before the practice race at the end of the month.

Welcoming Committee.

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