Monday 20 May 2024

2nd week in Edmonton

The first week was beautiful; sunny and warm. The second week it turned cold, grey and rainy, which matched my health. I developed a persistent cough that kept me up at night and tired and frustrated through the day. I usually get sick when I come for these visits but can lay the blame firmly on the grand children as one, or all, of them are usually experiencing a "bug" of some kind. They are all fabulously healthy this time so no idea where I caught it.

Life goes on ....lemon muffins and lemon curd.

Mike and I went and got free compost

and free mulch, even though Amazon hasn't delivered his raised bed yet.

The "walk" to a park actually had Avery on a scooter and Maya on roller blades.

This park

was on a bit of a hill overlooking the river valley that contains the commercial area of the town.

River had daily facials.. yogurt,


Most of the seeds we planted last week have germinated. Lots of salad greens in their future.

A break in the rain and we went for another walk. This is a huge off-leash park where Iggy enjoyed some fun running with the big dogs.

Its about a 15 min walk to the stocked lake

Mike plans to bring the kids fishing.

When I was on the Recreation Committee in Paris I found it very frustrating that the council had allowed developers to buy their way out of providing green space in each development. Here there is a park in each little neighbourhood with a large green space, trees and play equipment. Our walk to the fishing lake involved stopping at 3!

Guest photographers:

Nic and Dave's new system to drip irrigate the raised beds. (photo by Nicola)

Rick and his daughter, Jen, took Spellbound out and successfully flew the Spinnaker, in preparation for racing season that starts next week. (photo by Rick)

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