Saturday 15 June 2024

Catch up post

 I realized it had been at least 3 weeks since I last posted anything on the blog. Been busy.  So here's a quick catch up. Not sure that these photos are in chronological order but this is whats been going on.

Chris, Jason and Cigi came for a visit and I got hugs!!!

Chris and I went to the memorial for Aimee,

Dedication of a bench overlooking the Nith River in Paris, a lovely spot.

Racing season is underway. This is a picture of the storm following us in one night. Spellbound has been doing well both in Spinnaker on Mondays (middle of the pack) and in Jib and Main on Wednesdays (1st or 2nd)

Heather, Margret and I hooked for one day at the Paris Garden Tour

in a lovely

country garden.

Inspired me to keep going on mine. This is a new bed beside the fence. Hosta from Pam's garden.

The little vase that I made at the glass blowing workshop last year, has been in constant use.


Family updates:

Cigi has a new brother and sister - meet Donny and Marie. Already wreaking havoc at Chris and Jason's.

Chris has been "rocking" the  hairstyles.

Mark, Emma, family and friends have been building a bunky

on their new property. I can't wait to stay in it.

Nicky took a Mandela course and is practicing using the stitches that her machine can produce.

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