Saturday 15 June 2024

Lots do do in Port Dover - Firefighters and Daschunds.

 Its amazing what a difference a good nights sleep makes. For the first time in months I awoke (actually, was woken by Rasta insisting on breakfast at 7am) feeling refreshed. By 9 I had put on 2 loads of laundry and hung one out, had 2 cups of coffee and was headed to the market for honey. Of course I bought more than just honey.

The market is in the Lions Club building at Silver Lake.

The Firefighters competition was being set up there.

Bouncy castles being blown up

and various obstacles and challenges being constructed.

I then remembered that it was also the day of the Arbor Dog Races

so headed down to the museum to find out the schedule.

Preparations were is full swing with tents going up

and the race course already constructed.

There is also an agility course and a costume parade.

I am planning on going to see both events but don't know quite how the timing will work.

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