Saturday 29 June 2024

Lake Erie Interclub 2024 - Monday


Monday saw Rick and I back on the Edge to see the fleet (42 boats we were told) amassing for their 10am start of the Long Point Bay race.

As each fleet started the spinnakers would pop up as they sailed down wind to Bluffs Bar.

From there they sailed to the Turkey Point buoy. The finish line was re-positioned to there as the wind dropped.

The river and lift bridge were busy as they came in from the lake to dock at the Yacht Club.

Monday night Rick and I went to the fish fry at PDYC

and enjoyed

the party atmosphere.

Plenty of sailboats,

flags given out (Port Dover boats Sequence, Sheets and Giggles and Flyer all received honors),

music (we danced),


and lots of sailing stories to be told.

Back at home:

Its been very wet...but not this wet.

Its also been very warm

and the garden

is responding.

Lettuce, spinach and chard grew rapidly and then went to seed. Kale, radishes, beans and carrots are doing much better. Tomatoes are growing well but the moisture and warmth have given them rust so I am not sure how they will produce.

New Cardinal flower is still happy.

When Nicola and David bought this house in Guelph, the front yard was baked grass. Now it vegetable gardens, flower beds and shrubs.

Congratulations to Ellis - graduated from Carlton University.

As predicted, the wind and rain has littered the yard with these beautiful Catalpa flowers.

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