Wednesday 19 June 2024

Hot dogs (Arbor Dog Races)


I headed down to the Museum just as the Dachshunds were amassing 

for the days events.

It was an overload of cuteness with dogs in carriers,

dogs in costumes,

some with owners in matching costumes

and some just milling about, sniffing or barking at each other.

After the costumes were judged, they then paraded down the pier and back,

while on the river

there was the usual

busy Saturday activity.

Back from the parade

and it was time for the main event.

The participants and spectators waited patiently as the heats were called.

The expression "like trying to herd cats" should be changed to "....herd dachshunds"

as they weren't all

into it.

Each had a handler at the start line trying to get them cranked up and focused on the goal

and another at the finish line using balls, treats or just their voice to motivate them

to, at least, head in the right direction.

With the crowd, loudly, cheering them on.

There were 3 heats, 5 or 6 dogs in each one.

The top three from each heat advanced

to the semi-finals and then the finals.

I didn't stay for the end as I wanted to get over to Silver Lake

to see some of the firefighters competition.

But, when I got there

they were on a lunch break.

I took the opportunity for a walk

around the lake

When I got back around

to where the action was....

there still wasn't much action.

Families sitting in the shade.

It was a beautiful day, so both that day and the next, Rick and I went sailing.

Then Monday evening was the last of the spring season Spinnaker races and Spellbound finished 4th for the month. (12 in the fleet) A pretty good showing for our first involvement in the regular club races. That's Fiona on the right, then Gord, Rick and myself.

Saturday 15 June 2024

Lots do do in Port Dover - Firefighters and Daschunds.

 Its amazing what a difference a good nights sleep makes. For the first time in months I awoke (actually, was woken by Rasta insisting on breakfast at 7am) feeling refreshed. By 9 I had put on 2 loads of laundry and hung one out, had 2 cups of coffee and was headed to the market for honey. Of course I bought more than just honey.

The market is in the Lions Club building at Silver Lake.

The Firefighters competition was being set up there.

Bouncy castles being blown up

and various obstacles and challenges being constructed.

I then remembered that it was also the day of the Arbor Dog Races

so headed down to the museum to find out the schedule.

Preparations were is full swing with tents going up

and the race course already constructed.

There is also an agility course and a costume parade.

I am planning on going to see both events but don't know quite how the timing will work.

Catch up post

 I realized it had been at least 3 weeks since I last posted anything on the blog. Been busy.  So here's a quick catch up. Not sure that these photos are in chronological order but this is whats been going on.

Chris, Jason and Cigi came for a visit and I got hugs!!!

Chris and I went to the memorial for Aimee,

Dedication of a bench overlooking the Nith River in Paris, a lovely spot.

Racing season is underway. This is a picture of the storm following us in one night. Spellbound has been doing well both in Spinnaker on Mondays (middle of the pack) and in Jib and Main on Wednesdays (1st or 2nd)

Heather, Margret and I hooked for one day at the Paris Garden Tour

in a lovely

country garden.

Inspired me to keep going on mine. This is a new bed beside the fence. Hosta from Pam's garden.

The little vase that I made at the glass blowing workshop last year, has been in constant use.


Family updates:

Cigi has a new brother and sister - meet Donny and Marie. Already wreaking havoc at Chris and Jason's.

Chris has been "rocking" the  hairstyles.

Mark, Emma, family and friends have been building a bunky

on their new property. I can't wait to stay in it.

Nicky took a Mandela course and is practicing using the stitches that her machine can produce.