Friday 29 November 2019

Christmas Bark and Storks

When Christine closed up the cafe there was a lot of left over food stuff. When helping her to do inventory of it I bought some home, including 2 large ziplock bags of white chocolate flakes (one for me and one for Nicola). Brainstorming what to do with them we came up with the idea of making chocolate bark for Christmas gifts.

Last weekend, with recipes off the internet
and lots of goodies from Bulk Barn (mini rolos, crushed candy canes, candied fruit peel, cranberries, diced apricots) and some from my cupboard (peanuts, almonds, a square of dark chocolate, cocoa, sea salt),
we melted the white chocolate

and made lots of delicious chocolate bark.
Nicola and I then went in search of Christmas Storks. Last year, driving away from the Christmas festivities on Long Port, Nicola's family saw these huge birds in the fields and dubbed them "Christmas Storks".
Well the Sandhill Cranes are back in the fields just north of Long Point.
Hundreds, maybe thousands, of them, eating the corn dropped from the harvester
sometimes leaping and fluttering their wings and making their strange trilling calls.

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