Thursday 29 October 2020

Griesbach and Halloween

Mike and Aimee have been wanting to live in Griesbach for the last few years and had bought me here to walk around the last time I was here. They moved here about a year ago, just before Christmas and are loving it.

Got to love a developer that paints the doors in different bright colours

 From the Village of Griesbach website:  “new urbanism” to include a socially integrated, self sustaining neighbourhood plan enhanced by a focus on “classic architecture” that improved streetscape appeal and made communities more walkable.

It's not unusual to see this sort of stuff on a developers website but this place actually "walks the talk". Griesbach was an armed forces base. The developer specializes in buying up government property and has numerous awards for the communities  created.

Maya taking me on a tour. Their house has a garage on the alley behind and this has been a safe place to bike and for Avery to learn to ride a two wheeler.

All the original trees are saved, fenced while construction is going on around them. It makes some of the community feel far older than it is.


Here there is the only hill I have seen in this otherwise flat landscape. It is manmade and you can see downtown from the top. Stairs up, paths down, benches to sit on, a community garden on one side and the kids toboggan on it in the winter.


There are 3 ponds, frozen now, with walking paths around and linking them. One more pond is in the works.

Information boards


and plaques commemorate military history and many of the street names also have a military basis.

There are about 5 developers building houses in the community and they are given scattered plots to build on so a street has a variety of housing styles.

There is also a mix of housing density; condos, apartments, duplexes, row houses, single family dwellings and some of those have apartments over their laneway garages.

There are also parks, schools and around the outside restaurants and retail.

This magpie fluttered from tree to tree beside us chattering away angrily at Iggy.

Ready for the Halloween Party at Daycare.

One week in on Maya's rug.

One day in on Avery's dragon. It's looking a bit dog like at this point, hopefully the flames coming out of his mouth will make the difference.

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