Tuesday 14 July 2015

Long Point - Home from cruising and on to projects.

We stayed an extra day in Erie due to strong winds from the wrong direction. When we finally did set out, it was on to a dead calm lake with a bit of drizzle. Well Lake Erie was just playing with us. On the trip back we had fog, torrential rain, strong winds, standing waves at The Point that Zatarra had to climb and then fall down the other side and finally coming in to Port Dover, sun and a gentle breeze. The fog was a little disconcerting when we were crossing the shipping channel and luckily we spotted a Laker when we had turned downwind to allow Sharon some respite in the galley, so she could cook soup on the gimbaled stove.
As there had been plenty of rain while I was away I returned to a vegetable
garden gone a bit wild. The tomato plant was nearly as high as the pole bean trellis.
There was a distinct battle going on between the tomatoes, green peppers and bush beans and
the basil and beets were losing out.
After some weeding, both in the vegetable garden and the flower beds, I decided to tackle some projects.
This is an old drawer that I picked up a few months ago. I forgot to take a "before"
picture but it had obviously been used in a workshop, lots of slivers and paint splatters.
I sanded it down (rough and then fine), stained it (pecan) , put on a couple
of coats of verathane and painted the handles with black rust paint.
It fits perfectly in the narrow space between the bunk bed and the wall and is just big
enough for a lamp, kleenex box and a book.
Whenever I am working anywhere near the bunk beds Rasta has to crouch on the top
one and play at being a tiger in a cage, swiping at me at every opportunity. 
Next project: a kayak dolly.

I found it hard work dragging the kayak through the sand to the water and its
not good for the kayak. Bob, next door, and I adapted Georges golf bag carrier.
We cut off the piece of metal that supported the bag at the bottom and bent the arms, top and bottom,
that held the bag, then attached bungee cords. 
I tried it out yesterday as it was a lovely still day. I can drag it by the kayak handles. It is still not easy (but easier) as the wheels are not ideal for moving in sand.

These 2 baby blue jays have been around my property for the last couple of days. They
can't really fly yet, just managing to flutter up on to bushes, the vegetable garden or the fence.
The parents have been very noisy and aggressive, protecting them. 

Rasta is not keen on the heat and tends to stretch out rather than his usual position of
curled up with his paws tucked under. He seems to prefer the kitchen vinyl to the ceramic (?).
When Two does this Chris calls it "sausaging".

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, what a cute sausage! Also, those baby Blue Jays are less than cute.
