Monday 11 September 2017

Snap shots of fall in Honey Harbour

Usually I visit Aimee and Greg's cottage in Honey Harbour in the summer months but this year it's September and it has a different feel. Although the days can be warm, the evenings are cool and the nights downright cold!
On arrival I was greeted by the Osprey. Usually I get to watch the pair, feeding their young and teaching them to fly. This time only the youngster is still here and he/she left after a couple of days (time to fly South)
Fall wildflowers
The raspberries are over and the vines beginning to turn colour.
No Phragmites here, just good old native bull rushes.

Asters (?) in white and blue.
Goldenrod attracting lots of bees.
Big sky
Sitting down by the water I watched a mink dragging a fish about half his size. I think this skeleton is probably his work.
Only one lily left.
Playing with reflections
More reflections
Aimee has to empty the feeder so this little lady will head South.
Aimee and I have been taking the boat to the mainland and walking on the cottage road (can't get enough mileage on the island)

Our kayaking is also good exercise
We had hoped to see the resident otter and we did. We followed him for about 20 minutes.
My main reason for risking the camera in the kayak was to get pictures of the sunning turtles.
This pair has been here all summer.
It wasn't until I saw this picture on the computer that I realized there was more than one turtle on the rock.
So often they all slid off and into the water before I could get a picture
All the rest left but this guy stayed. King of the castle

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