Sunday 10 October 2021

New Brunswick Trip - Day 11, Chamcook Mountain


Maya and Avery holding River. Photo by Mike or Aimee (WhatsApp)

It had been cold overnight and we woke to fog

over Minister's Island


As we planned to go for a hike with a view we waited for the fog to clear before setting off.

The hike started beside the Rossmount Inn

It had been a carriage path up the mountain for the Ross's to go up and have a picnic.

The old carriage house

There were info boards about the history of the property which gave us a chance to get our breathe back as we climbed the, occasionally steep, path.

Rick walked it the other day when I stayed home and painted.

This was growing on some of the trees and I haven't been able to find anything about it on the internet.

The canopy shaded the path.

A lookout, about half way up

with an info board about Hospital Island where ill immigrants were dropped off before the ships from Europe docked at St Andrews. About 10,000 immigrants, mostly from Ireland and 400 of them died on Hospital Island.

Lichen, moss and mushrooms.

At the top there was a large rock area where people were resting after the climb, or picnicking or taking in the views.

Which really were quite magnificent

as the cool nights have finally bought out the bright maple foliage.

We could see Rob and Jen's house.

After walking back down we drove around, taking roads that we thought would end at the shore, trying to find roads we had seen from up on the hill.

We found some lovely spots

Lots of  ocean front land for sale

Another view of Rob and Jen's peeking through the trees.

Worked on the foreground when I got home. I will ignore it for a day then go back to it to see if I want to fine tune it some more.

Supper was a shrimp, mushroom and Parmesan risotto, with left overs from other meals added - cauliflower cheese, scallops, steak, celery. Delicious and it made enough for another dinner.

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