Wednesday 24 May 2023

May catch up

 After a day at Mark and Emma's in Pakenham, Nicola and I drove Dad back to Fort Erie and then came back to Port Dover. Long day of driving!

Since then it has been all about the gardening, new beds, new plants and keeping up with the grass.

Chris, Jason and Cigi visited and delivered a lovely Mother's Day Brunch

and a pretty card that competed

with the real thing.

Spellbound was "splashed",

with just a couple of "oops". While putting the boom on, the part at the mast snapped. 40 year old piece of plastic, it's not really surprising. Rick was able to source a new one and, when putting it on, he dropped half in the water. Had to order it, and wait for delivery, again.

Caleidoscope is also in the water now, just the day before the practice race.

Robin nesting on next doors electrical box. Last year they tried to nest in their BBQ. This is a slightly better choice.

For my birthday Rick gave me a gift certificate for Northland Nursery. After we went there (and I overspent) we visited Rick's friend Steve who gave me a couple of trees for the bank and a shoe box full of seeds (he collects them from his plants every year) Mostly Shasta Daisies and Coneflowers, which is great as they should be able to grow on the bank to the lake.

I planted a lot of them in the "nursery bed" that Rick built in front of the sunroom. It will be very interesting to see what, if anything, comes up.

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