Saturday 10 February 2024

Crete - Sitia archaeological museum and around the harbour

 From the monastery we drove back into Sitia and parked, in our usual spot, at the museum. It had always been closed (even though we were there at times that it indicated it would be open!) but there was a crowd of school children at the door and it was open.

The exhibits were all from sites around Sitia and the surrounding sea.

The write ups were in English and in Greek

There were explanations of where they had been found and when,

what era they belong to and what they were used for.

It was basically just one large room but had a surprisingly diverse display.

We walked around the harbour and right out to the commercial end. As there was no boat lift we couldn't figure out how they got the boats on to "the hard" to work on them but watched them maneuver this large trailer to pull this little fishing boat out.

We still couldn't figure out how they get the big sailboats out. This is the hull of one of them, the barnacles and growth need to be removed.

We walked along the dock closer to town admiring a huge catamaran and this pretty blue boat,

Then it was home for a late lunch and hang out on the patio in the sun, resting up for our hike the next day.

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