Friday 21 October 2022

Scotland - Tyndrum to Portree.


Buffet breakfast at the hotel then went to pack the car and couldn't find the map book. Dad had lent it to me and although we have a GPS and Don looks up the route each night on Mapsme, both Heather and I like an old fashioned, low tech, Map. After much luggage searching and memory searching, one of the hotel staff checked the room that Heather and Don had first been assigned to, before changing to one that was already made up, and found it.

Whenever Tyndrum is mentioned, the Green Welly is recommended, so that was our next stop. A gift shop, outdoor store and restaurant and we all found something to buy.

I was on the first shift for driving so pictures were taken when stopped for road works

or when there was a well placed lay-by.

At this one I spotted something that didn't have the right shape for a sheep

With Heather's binoculars we thought it was a deer and

then the family showed up.

The scenery was breathtaking

and I loved the way the clouds

were teasing the mountaintops.

Once we got down off the moors

and beside the lochs there were no more places to pull over.

We had lunch at a road side cafe. Jacket potatoes with falafel, a combination I had never seen, or conceived of, before. Then Don took over driving.

Gassed up at the bottom of Ben Nevis. The car is getting 60mpg but a half tank is costing us 40pounds ($60)

Brief stop at Eilean Dolan Castle

We visited here in 2014,

such a picturesque location.

We continued across Scotland and up to the bridge to the Isle of Skye, up the east coast of the island to Portree and went grocery shopping there.

Picked up some local products.

Our home for the next 4 nights

is a little out of town, with views across Portree

to the mountains beyond.

After Fiona

showed us around the house

we settled with our Scotch

and our wine, in the conservatory,

to watch the

changing light

of the


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