Thursday 16 February 2023

Cyprus - leading a walk for the Wednesday walking group.

There are not actually a lot of photos because, as walk leader I couldn't be holding everyone up that way. We met in the parking lot in Kouklia and 10 of us started out at 10am. Rick popped into Gabrial's to confirm that there could be 12 for lunch, as we passed.

I did stop to take this photo as I believe it could be the start of an Orchid flower.

Strangely a selection of stuffed toys had been dumped near the path

We debated whether stuffed dinosaurs were endemic to Cyprus.

About 7 kilometres, just under 2 hours and Gabriel's was all ready for us.

Rick thought the chair rather heavy when he went to pull it out. Turns our "Calypso" had decided to settle there. He is a restaurant cat, making the rounds to the 3 restaurants in the square, belonging to no-one but obviously doing quite well for himself.

As it was our third time eating there, I knew exactly what I wanted, side of prawns, side of garlic, cream mushrooms on a jacket potato.

Rick, continuing his exploration of Cypriot delicacies had Spaghetti Bolognese. (though he did have Cypriot grated cheese on top)

Today was a "stay at home day", we have been on the go. We did laundry and practiced our "Duolingo", Rick his German, and Greek for me.

The sun is on the patio for morning coffee and on, into reading time.

Grocery shopping and then we had lunch at "Midway" which Jimmy had recommended as a Cypriot owned restaurant. I had Koupepia (Cypriot version of the Greek Dolomades, stuffed grape leaves). Rick, perhaps tired of my teasing about being unadventurous, ordered the Pissouri sandwich. Turned out it was Haloumi and tomato. He wasn't impressed as Haloumi is pretty bland if not grilled and he felt it needed mustard, not readily available in restaurants here. It was lovely however to sit outside surrounded by English and Cypriot lunchers. Most ordered multiple plates and shared, just like we might do at a Chinese restaurant.

I spent the afternoon starting on my "homework". Judith wanted me to continue to explore how to paint water and gave me this picture to work on.

Leaving the water for another day.

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