Friday 21 February 2020

Cyprus - a wet send off.

Cyprus weather has been very kind to Nicola and David. There has been sun everyday, sometimes clouding over in the afternoon. The only rain was a bit of drizzle when we were driving to the start of the walk on Wednesday. Well it made up for it today, started raining sometime overnight, and didn't stop.
After a leisurely breakfast, Nic and Dave finished packing and we set off to the airport with some potential sightseeing on the way.
We found the Amathous archaeological site, between Limassol and Larnaka, near the sea, but it was too rainy so we didn't even get out of the car.
Right next to the Larnaca airport is a salt lake. There were 3 things we wanted to see around the lake:

There was a huge flock of Flamingos on the lake
and by driving along a muddy road we were able to get within photo taking distance of a small section of the flock. The light was very bad though resulting in rather blurry and dull pictures.

Hala Sultan Tekesi is a mosque sitting beside the lake. Inside is the tomb of Umm Haram, aunt of the prophet Mohammed.
On the internet it indicates that you may be asked to put this grey cloak on over your clothes. You also have to take your shoes off before entering. However when we got to the door, surrounded by pairs of shoes, we were stopped and told that Friday afternoon there is some sort of service and visitors are not allowed. As we left there were young men running in, obviously late for the event.

Back in the car and finding our way around the lake we were looking for the Roman Aquaduct. Nicola navigated just using the tiny map on my phone and we ducked down a side street when we could see it.

But it was on the other side of a mucky football field. So a quick, poor, photo and back into the car. We did see a better view of it from the highway but no signage to indicate a viewing area.

Well, mission accomplished but really none of it very successfully. From there I dropped Nic and Dave off for their flight to Heathrow. They will then stay overnight near the airport and complete the flight home tomorrow. The lousy weather meant that I dropped them earlier than planned and the only positive to that was that I was able to get home in daylight.
I have decided to keep the car for another week so I may go back and visit Amathous, the Mosque and get some better photos of the flamingos.

Another "Chrisism".

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