Friday 14 February 2020

Pissouri, Cyprus - Woohoo, they made it!

I checked Nicola and Dave's flights before I went to bed and everything was supposed to be on time, and then I turned my phone off. I didn't want to think about something I have no control over anyway. When I woke there was nothing on my phone that said they had missed anything so I assumed everything was still all fine and carried on with the planned activities.
I made chilli and cleaned the kitchen and then settled down to finish my "Fisherman" painting.

Finished and the first one that I am quite happy with. It has turned out close to what I had envisioned though I really don't know how to get the sparkle that was on the water.
Nic and Dave had managed to get an earlier flight from Heathrow than planned the previous day so I didn't have to drive in the dark.

Very happy to finally be here and off that plane, which had been full of young families. No sleep to be had with all that noise.

Even in Cyprus he is still an Insurance guy, checking out the Home Ownership Claims related to the landslide area. We took a quick walk through the village so they could stretch their legs after a full day of plane travel.
The it was beer, wine and chilli, followed by orange cake. Dave was impressed with the Big Boy Beer Bottle. I don't think you can get Stubbies here.

1 comment:

  1. Painting does look wonderful!! (Sky and horizon aren't perfect, I would almost crop/cut it right below the horizon line.) The guy's coat is great and the rocks are amazing!!! And I think the water looks really good, the technique worked well.
