Friday 22 February 2019

Madeira - Day 21 - in search of a bakery (Padaria)

Heather emailed me a request for bakery pictures. I admit they have been in evidence in blogs about previous trips but aside from the occasional custard tart (does a couple a week count as "occasional"?) I have tried to ignore the bakeries here. You can get a custard tart in any bar or restaurant in the whole city, so no need to go to a bakery.
Bolo de Caco is the traditional Madeiran bread and it is sold everywhere. Fast food here is Bolo de Caco with garlic butter, or cooked with meat or used as a hamburger bun or toasted sandwich. Bolo means cake and Caco is the stone slab it is cooked on.

I noticed them being made at one of the little cafes by the market, this morning.
I am going to have to try one with garlic butter.

The market was in full swing when I got there this morning and I bought mushrooms, 2 custard apples and a bunch of green that looks like broccoli that didn't mature and is mostly leaves (I chopped it and sauted it with onion and butter tonight for supper and it was sort of chard like but with more body). I also bought a dragon fruit but at 37 Euro a kilo that will be a rare treat.

After the market I went and booked another walk for tomorrow. A full day one this time.

The Floratravel office is at the far end of the old section

and I found another street
with doors
that I hadn't seen before.
I walked across town into the centre, to the tourist office, to see if they had a schedule for Carnival yet. Next week they will and it begins the following week.
Preparations are starting with Carnival flags going up and booths being set up in the central area.
Booths were already set up in the park. They were mostly selling jewelry
though a couple were selling bags made out of recycled packaging. Made from pet food bags

and coffee packages.
I have passed any number of bakeries in my walks around the city over the last 3 weeks but I couldn't seem to find any of them today. But I knew there was one on the sea front.
So here you go Heather.....
try not to drool on the keyboard.
This always happens .. I had to try the apple cake and it was quite like the apple cake that I used to buy at Paris Bakery (except that one had a shortbread crust and was higher). It was absolutely full of apples, with an occasional raisin and a light caramel glaze. I have no self control - I also bought 2 custard tarts and 2 lemon tarts to go. Its a good job I am walking tomorrow.

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