Monday 25 February 2019

Madeira - Day 24 - Camacha

I have pretty well got the hang of the urban bus system but today tried the inter-urban for the first time (there are 4 bus companies in Madeira)

The bus stop is next to the cable car station (which had a huge line-up today, maybe from the big cruise ship in port).
I had a schedule that indicated there was a bus to Camacha at 11pm. I left the house at 10, walked down and tried to figure out which bus and how to get a ticket. Turns out you have to know the # of the route (129 for Camacha) and then find the bus stop that has that number and then buy the ticket from the bus driver. All fine and logical once you know. It took the help of a few official looking people to piece together an understanding of the system.
It left at exactly 11 and wound up the hills to the East. Took about half an hour, stopping to drop off and pick up a half dozen times.

The O Relogio (clock) wicker factory is right on the town square.
This is a traditional craft and the willows are harvested here, soaked
and pulled through blades to ensure uniformity.
On each of the three stories there were people demonstrating the craft,
making the products
that were for sale

on the main floor.
They used a  sharp metal pointed instrument, a template to work around and their fast moving hands.
On one floor was this replica of a ship
and furniture, both plain and intricate.
A wicker toboggan for descending the Monte.
The main floor retail space was a mass of wicker - baskets, hampers,
egg cups, bowls, hats, trays,
Some that would just be dust collectors
and some that I found very tempting.
So much

I needed a coffee and slice of lemon tart to recover.
While I sat recuperating, this monster pulled up, full of people. I was glad I had got out of the wicker factory before the crowds arrived.

The town square had some lovely flowers
and an abundance of little lizards sunning themselves.
I walked around a bit, finding the church, supermarket, pharmacy and a couple of bars and restaurants, but all required navigation of steep inclines. The planted area in front of the wicker factory was the only flat space and that was where the other claim to fame for Camacha occurred. The first football (soccer) game (introduced by a Brit) played in Portugal, happened here in 1875. Now they are football crazy!
There is a levada walk that you can do from here and I will come back, with good shoes and hiking poles, but for now I caught the bus back.

Another cruise ship in port.

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