Sunday 15 March 2020

Cyprus - Walkathon with "social distance"

I forgot to turn off the wifi on my phone last night and a flurry of e-mails came in at 6:15, for some reason, and woke me up. They were concerning the virus and getting me home so I was thoroughly awake, turned the alarm off (set for 7) and started the day:

Its not often I get an early morning photo!
 The Marathon and Walkathon scheduled for today were cancelled as the government has banned grouping of 75 or more. Many of the walkers continued with the event but in small groups and starting from the different charity shops that raise funds for the Hospice. As I was driving to my starting place there were lots of people, spread out and in small groups, running the route. I guess if you have trained for a marathon you still want to do it.

I was to be Nikki's "proxy walker" as she was off taking photos at other locations. I got a brief tour of Rod and Chrissy's beautiful home with pool,

overlooking fields of goats
and the coast with shipwreck.
Tammy, the lab, is 10 months old and amazingly calm and well behaved for a young dog. Chrissy and Rod's previous dog, also a lab, Bracken, did a lot of fundraising and was a mascot for the Hospice. Tammy has been in training since a puppy, as a therapy dog, support and assistance for Chrissy, and is also promoting the Hospice.

I stopped to take a picture of Poppies in the banana plantation
which worried Tammy, she wanted her "pack" together.
The car was parked at the half way point as the rest of the walk, along the coast, was too rough for Chrissy's scooter. Also a chance for a water break.

Nikki had asked me to get photos for articles she is writing about the Walkathon, so, while the scooter was being loaded into the car, I tried for some Tammy portraits.

She was "working it", but she's still a puppy, didn't sit still for long.

I did get one lovely "head shot" though.
We were walking the part of the coast that I have walked with the groups, still lovely but I wont post a lot of pictures of it. Rod told me that just this side of that island is a Roman shipwreck. Divers go down to it, even though it is a protected archaeological site, but it is shallow enough to see when snorkeling on a calm day.
It was warm when the sun was out and cool when it was behind a cloud.
Rod was in shorts, I was in a T-shirt and Tammy was in a heavy black coat.
Chrissy had the car at the end of the walk and we met Nikki back at their place for coffee and cake.
I took the opportunity for a few more photos
of Rod and Chrissy's beautiful place and
 Nikki got a promo shot of "Team Tammy". Photo by Nikki Dake.

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