Yesterday was a "rest day" as I walked on Saturday and will walk again on Monday. I also had to feed Nikki and John's cat," J.J"., while they were away. He was quite amusing as he welcomed me as I walked in the door, in the morning. However, after smelling the dish of food, he walked back to the front door, looking for his people, turned back to me...."where are they" and finally ate.
Most of the day, I sat in the sun, and finished this book, from the villa library. I usually enjoy a Sophie Kinsella book and this one did not disappoint in it's depiction of teenage anxiety in a sensitive, humorous and accurate manner.
I have been accepted by both the Wednesday and the Saturday, walking groups, as an "International Member". As I will be taking advantage of their memberships knowledge of the area and guidance for the next few months, I thought I should also volunteer my time. I am therefor leading one walk for each of the groups. Jimmy volunteered to show me a walk around Kouklia that I could use for both of the groups. So today we reconnoitered it.
We parked in the village of Kouklia and walked past this lovely, village house.
The shutters were slightly opened and revealed painted
icons. |
I took photos to try and remember the route.
We were shortly out of the village and walking up hill.
Past a couple of farms. This one was particularly odorous.
Some attitude comes through the fence.
Three cyclist went by, at speed. Heather always wants a spandex clad cyclist on my blog but this time, as often, they went past too fast.
The next farm had unusual animals for this area, sheep.
A fenced off archaeological area, ancient tombs.
Back through the village: Prickly Pear,
and Bananas.