Friday 20 January 2023

Cyprus - Kathari Beach

I. drove out to Paphos Airport today just to do a dry run for when I pick Rick up there in about a week and a half. I am returning home for Mum's memorial next weekend and get back just the day before he arrives. I will therefor be jet-lagged so wanted to at least see the airport and pick up areas. It is about 20 minutes away, just off the A6 before Paphos, right next to the sea.

I came out of the airport and saw a little sign that said "The Beach" so followed the dirt track to Kathari Beach. It had one bar, just serving drinks at this time of year,  and a few parked cars.

Skirting the puddles and rocks on the track, I passed

semi-permanent "cottages" along the shoreline. Solar panels, water barrels, picnic tables and a place to sleep. What else do you need?

A pretty rugged piece of coast,

it was a challenge to find a comfortable place to sit.

But I did and spent a while just looking and listening. Some fishing gear, washed up,

wheeling and diving Hooded Crows,

a huge container ship on the horizon

and this beautiful blue rock. I have not touched up this picture at all, it is this blue.

Walking further, there were a number of these concrete things. They each had an identification number

and a couple of wood lined slots. Bunkers? but they didn't look old enough. Puzzling.

There were a flock of these flitting around.

 Crested Lark.

Oh information board. This one indicates the endangered flora that are being protected and where seeds are being harvested for planting elsewhere.

Not what I expected to see; a dragon boat. A quick Google revealed that Cyprus has a Dragonboat Association and came in 4th in the 2022 European championships!

Another brave soul.

Seeing this view made me wonder if the coast road is open yet so I drove back along the B6, rather than the highway, to check.

Nope, just beyond Aphrodite's Rock there were barricades up, heavy equipment working and cement trucks waiting. But I was able to get as far as a lookout area.

Looking back at Aphrodite's Rock.

Later I finished the Optimistic Environmentalist. It was a good read, not withstanding the work still to be done, he outlined the many improvements we have made in terms of food safety, clean water availability, animal protection, fossil fuel alternatives etc etc , emphasizing hope for continued improvements rather than the doom and gloom we tend to get in the media.

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