Sunday 17 March 2024

Crete - Rethymno, Carnival, pt 1

 The Carnival website has finally been produced in English and I have seen the preparations, so today I was pretty confident that I knew where and when it would happen. I left the house at 12, thinking that I would see the lay of the land and have lunch before staking out my spot on the parade route.

There were thunderstorms over the sea when I got up but the day had calmed to grey but no rain by the time I left the house.

There were groups of people, dressed the same, making their way into town.

The main road was blocked off just beyond the bus station.

I figured I would position myself on a bend, where I could see in both directions.

The speakers had been uncovered, ready to go.

People in costume walking and

eating. When I asked if I could take their photo he gestured to wait and then dug out the mustache. Got to have the full effect.

I walked into the old town which was way busier than I have seen it before. Hung a left and ate lunch at the place I've eaten before.

She went from table to table trying to sell people hats. When I ate at Othanos the other day they chased her out for trying to sell roses table to table.

At 1:30 I headed out to claim my spot. The music had started.

The Red Cross was ready

and they were still pouring in.

At about 2pm there were announcements over the loud speaker system. At about 2:30 a group on roller blades sort of cleared the street.


Princesses on the curb.

The parade was lead by a Plymouth! Advertising classic cars for weddings.

Then a juggler on stilts.

Every one of the groups that followed had 100s of participants. I have no idea who they represented but they were all joyously clapping, dancing, singing, drinking and interacting with each other and the spectators.

I tried to get pictures of the group and also some of individuals.

I took over 350 pictures today and have deleted about a third of them. I now have to decide what gets posted here and what does not.

Each troop had a float, usually following but as the afternoon progressed the organization deteriorated.

Well that was the first troop. I think this may be a two or three episode post. I am exhausted from the noise, stimulation and standing for three hours so am going to sign off here.

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