Monday 18 March 2024

Crete - Rethymno, Carnival, Pt 2

Picking up where I left off yesterday. The music was a constant pounding of heavy base, dance music. Mostly in English:  Rasputin, Lets go Barbie,  Hot Hot Hot, YMCA, anything you can jump up and down to. Most of the participants also had whistles that they would blow (sometimes in time to the music, mostly just randomly) and some had horns and things that squirted out foam. It was constant movement. Constant noise and a constant stream of humanity jostling and pushing along the sidewalk behind me.

The groups were usually lead by a flag bearer.

I had seen a rack of these in a store front in the old town. It got me wondering about the thousands of costumes and who designed and made them all.

I googled this and here's a link to an article about the carnival and its costumers.

I guess they didn't make a fish costume small enough for her.

Sometimes everyone in the group was dressed the same, sometimes there were distinctly different male and female costumes. There was always some cross dressing.

I was located near the end of the parade route and there was tired kids by the time they got to me.

Even the participants got into the picture taking, videos, selfies and some trying to talk on the phone. I couldn't hear myself think let alone hear someone on a phone!

There was lots of evidence, on the floats, that they weren't just drinking water to hydrate.

This was a creative approach, just sprayed the alcohol into her friends open mouths.

Pandas, lets all dress as Pandas.

Such a cute little Panda.

This was my favorite costume

when they jumped up and down, flapping their arms, the wings were impressive.

Banging on the drums certainly added to the noise level.


That's enough for one post. There will be more Carnival in the next one. It was over 2 hours long!

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