Sunday 3 March 2024

Rethymno - Prima Ploraand baclava

Busy day in Agia Galina so took it easy the next day.

Walked past the swimming beach

The little church was open

Beautiful pale pastels and magnificent silver chandeliers.
The minister, black robed, popped up, took a look at us and then returned to scrolling his phone.

Not much in the stain glass dept though.

We had seen this restaurant as people were getting it ready for opening, the last time we walked this way so walked right in to try it out. Fabulous location, view of the sea and the fortress.
But a little out of our "snack bracket". We ordered just a few appetizers, a beer

and a Presecco!

 People came in who had reservations, food was served with pizas and plated beautifully. The service was impeccable and the owner checked regularly whether everything was  to our liking. The BMWs and Mercedes in the parking area would have given it away but we were earlier than them.

Complimentary dessert was ice cream with chocolate sauce and the raki (which we never drink, its lethal, Rick is afraid a lighter too close will send us all up in flames)

I need to add the watercolour.

There was a ruined area in front which the waiter explained was an old well

We wondered - tapping a spring from under the sea or a river running down to the sea?

This for Heather, who, in Mallorca, was collecting photos of different coloured Vespas.

Looking back at the restaurant - Prima Plora.

My next Greek specialty to try to make... Baklava.. I had bought the Phyllo pastry at the grocery store and the walnuts at the market on Saturday. I couldn't put it off any longer. The apartment had a grinder which allowed me to get just the texture I had experienced in the Baklava I have eaten. The recipe suggested adding cinnamon (I had bought that for the Pistatsia recipe)

Loved that it gave me the English, no doubts there, it is for a dessert!. Came rolled up in plastic.

I didn't have a rectangular container so adapted to the oval one available. 6 layers of Phyllo for the base, each sprinkled and spread with butter.

then the nuts and cinnamon mixture, then 2 layers of phyllo (always butter between each layer). Alternate until the nuts run out (it was 3 layers of nuts) then another 6 layers of Phyllo, butter between. Its a lot of phyllo and butter. It actually didn't take long. You then cut it into small portions (not all the way to the bottom as it would cut through the parchment paper.

Cooked for about 40 minutes. While its cooking you boil the water, sugar and honey. The recipe called for vanilla but I added lemon zest and juice instead (from our tree) and liked it much better as it cut the sweetness a bit. Pour over when it comes out of the oven.

This is the link to the recipe I used:

I have frozen about 6 portions and Rick and I have gradually been eating on it. I have left it on the counter. The reviews say it will get soggy in the frig and it has certainly stayed moist and sticky on the counter.

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