Saturday 3 March 2018

Port de Soller, Mallorca, Spain - walk to Biniaraix

The weather forecast said 0% chance of rain today so I took the tram into Soller and retraced the route that I took when I walked to Fornalux.
All that rain and then a couple of warm, sunny days and everything was sprouting.

Its pronounced Bin-air-atch

Citrus trees in a field of yellow flowers.

That's Binibassi

The first English Robin I have seen this time. Maybe he got driven south by the awful weather they are having in the UK. Visitors here haven't been able to get back because of airport closings and airline delays (they are really not complaining too hard about it). The news feeds look more like Canada than Canada does.
Major renovations at this place in Binibassi

and it has a fabulous view across the Soller valley.

Its really just a cluster of old houses where the Fornalux path breaks off from the GR221 (the main walking path up the Tramontana Mountains).

The fincas all have these reservoirs for irrigation. Most look full, some with water pouring out of their overflow pipes.
Over a river

rushing down

from the mountains
I was into the outskirts of the village of Biniaraix
Very neat and tidy
with lovely entrances and gardens.
Many of the houses had tile and a metal ring
on the road side wall, to tie up a horse?
Many houses have tiles warning of the dog but here was one warning of the cat
and with a very interesting door knocker.
With streets this narrow you need a car this size.

I ended up in the village square
and sat in the sun to sketch that house on the right but
I hadn't got far (into the sketch or the almond cake) before it started to rain
0% chance of rain the forecast had said!
I headed back the way I had come
Graphic dog warning tiles too.
Looking back across the valley to the village I had come from. The rain stopped but it was still overcast and cooler.
A handsome pair, escaped from the coop.
Sorry Heather (my tour de France enthusiast) they whizzed by me and I could only get a shot of their backs.
The coffee took effect and I felt energized and decided to walk all the way back to Port rather than taking the tram. Past so many laddened lemon trees I can't imagine what they do with them all. Must be a lot of gin and tonics.
The orange waste makes me sad

sometimes its hidden by the flowers below the trees.

I took a different route to get back over the pass to Port de Soller, different farms, different views. Finally home, very tired. The coffee had warn off too soon.

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