Tuesday 28 February 2017

Mallorca Day 29 - walk to the Torre Picarda

My options today were a) stay home and baby the cold or b) go with my original plan and walk up to the watchtower. I went with b) and walking up the road from the roundabout I was soon out of the residential area and had views of the mountains.
Eve and I had seen this the other day, Torre written on the metal post, so this is where I left the road and headed up a narrow track.
This shot is looking down. It was up, up, up. through olive groves
past sheep, sheds, small homesteads and this abandoned building.
At one of the twists in the road (there were a lot) were some stone steps, a small gap between a fence and a gate and TORRE scratched in the cement.

Through the gap and there were a number of possible paths. I took of my backpack and consulted the hiking trails map from the apartment. The couple coming behind me also stopped and we compared it to the phone app they were using and came to an agreement as to which path to take.

It was quite a wide gravel track, snaking uphill with occasional views of the sea.
Mostly pine trees, undergrowth and lots of these plants just starting to bloom.
Near the top, on one of the stone gate posts

a sign in 4 languages asking that you not litter with tissue or toilet paper??
A pretty basic, functional structure
on the top of a huge cliff
with great sea views
and down the coast

the next watchtower.
I sat and ate my sandwich and saw, way below, the boat Eve and I went on last week, on its way to the Calobra Beach.

Sketched the tower,
sketched a plant
and headed back the way I had come.
I was only gone for a couple of hours. It seems to be a popular walk but the people I met, or who passed me, were out for a stroll. It was definitely not an outing for the serious hikers who march up and down the mountains around here.

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